Vegetables and Fruits Juicing for Weight Loss!

The current trend shows that people put high interest on juicing for weight loss, especially for women, besides juicing can also make their body gets healthies and the rich of nutrients in juice can also help the skin looks glowing and fresh. People can easily find many kinds of juice products on convenience stores. Many of these juice products may also contain very high sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial coloring and other things that are definitely not good for health. In fact, one of most powerful tips to get slim is by avoiding too much sugar consumption. It is best recommended that you, especially who are currently planning to losing weight to consume less sugar to any juice that you order or homemade juice. Fruit and vegetable work well to detox or remove toxins from the body. The benefits of removing the toxins are getting a healthier body, smoother skin and more ideal body shape. Here are the lists of natural fruit and vegetable juicing for weight loss that can help you to maximize your diet program and get healthier body.

Fruit Juicing

1. Avocado Juice
Avocado Juice

Avocado juice, which contains anti-inflammatory substances, vitamins and potassium, is not only delicious and good for health but also it can be consumed in many ways. In addition, avocados also contain fiber which is good for digestion. Many people think that avocado fruit may lead to obesity, thus they assume that this fruit is not suitable to be consumed for a diet program. In fact, this fruit is very beneficial for weight loss. Avocado juice is also useful to overcome constipation, lower cholesterol level in the blood and cure acnes. But, it is not advised for women, who are on their menstruation period, to consume avocado juice until they periods end.

2. Apple juice
Apple juice

Apple juice has low calories but very rich in fiber, which is very good for diet program. In addition, apple fruit contains vitamins and minerals that has similar amount of its fiber content that are beneficial for body health. You do not necessarily to add sugar when making or ordering this juice, since apples already contain enough sugar to get a sweet taste.

3. Mango juice
Mango juice

Mango fruits contain high fiber, vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium and calories. However, mangoes also contain sugar which is quite a lot. Thus, if you are about to consume, make sure that you consume it in a right portion.

4. Cranberry Juice
Cranberry Juice

It is commonly known that cranberry juice has a special ingredient which is good as an antioxidant. You can add cranberry juice to your list of diet program to keep the body fit and healthy.

5. Kiwi juice
Kiwi juice

Kiwi is very popular among people because it can be eaten at once with the skin. However, in case you want to consume it and get a different sensation, you may consume it as a juice. The tastes of Kiwi fruit is a combination of sweet and sour. It contains fiber which is great to help body’s digestive process and best recommended for a diet program.

6. Strawberry juice
Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice is highly recommended to be consumed when you are planning to lose weight, as strawberry juice can boost the hormone productions of adiponectin and leptin. Both of these hormones are very beneficial for fat-burning process and it can help people to increase the metabolism of body.

7. Banana juice
Banana juice

Banana is a fruit that has a good taste and it definitely proven for health benefits. It contains high fiber and potassium which are very useful to help speed up weight loss program.

8. Mixed Fruit Juice #1
You can also make your own preferences of juice, here for example, you may prepare:
- 4 tablespoons of plain yoghurt
- 5 strawberries
- 1 frozen banana
- 2 teaspoons of peanut butter
- Half glass of water
-Small portion of ice cubes
      There are only 2 steps you can follow to make this juice. First, you chop both banana and strawberries. Second, you blend all these ingredients smoothly. It is also possible for you to make combination of other fruits and vegetables, especially mango, pineapple, spinach and carrot.

9. Mixed Fruit Juice #2
People know that orange fruit Is very rich of vitamin C and full-nourished of phytonutrients. Thus, it is considered as a very good fruit to be served as a juice to support weight loss program. You can prepare the ingredients as followed:
1.     Grapefruits
2.     3 lemon
3.     Ginger
4.     A tablespoon of honey
There are 2 simple steps to create the mix of above fruits into juice. First thing to do is wash and peel all the ingredients and cut them into pieces. Next, blend it smoothly. You may also add honey to get a sweeter taste of this juice. Grapefruit contains rich fiber that works perfectly to burn fat which helps your digestion process. Honey itself is good for antioxidants, good to kill bad bacteria in the bod and good to help their liver to do their function properly. Ginger has a role to increase the secretion of digestive fluids that can help you to get a stronger metabolism. You can consume this mixed juice several times in a day for a successful weight loss program.

Vegetable juicing

1. Cucumber juice
Cucumber juice

Cucumber contains 90% water, thus you can easily get full when you consume this fruit. Eating cucumber can help you to burn fat and replace body fluids loss. By drinking cucumber juice on a regular basis, you can also eliminate toxins that accumulated in the body.

2. Cabbage juice
Cabbage juice

Cabbage contains of vitamin A and vitamin C which is good for the heart health. It is also rich of its tartaric acid nutrients which prevent the conversion of sugars into fat in the body. Thus, it is highly recommended to consume cabbage juice to lose weight.

Now, you have known many ways of juicing for weight loss by consuming natural substances from vegetables and fruit juices!

Images source: pxhere, pixabay, wikimedia commons, iconscout
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